Kevin Andrew Heslop's Forthcoming Book Available for Preorder
Kevin Andrew Heslop's The Writing on the Wind’s Wall, a collection of interviews on "Medical Assistance in Death" forthcoming in Fall 2025, is now available for preorder.
The Writing on the Wind’s Wall, listens at length to the voices of those affected by ‘Medical Assistance in Dying’ in the city of London, Ontario, a national healthcare hub: a death doula, a sound-healer, a psychiatrist, a scholar, a doctor, a medium, an ethicist, a prospective recipient, a politician, a reverend, and several recipients’ survivors. Facilitated by Kevin Andrew Heslop, these dialogues are informed by the work of a wide variety of cultural leaders, including Paolo Freire, John Cage, Li-Young Lee, Thích Nhất Hạnh, and Robert Hass. The collection documents how euthanasia, while in the spirit of individual liberty, increases proportional to the world’s socioeconomic, ideological, and (therefore) ecological unsustainability. The Writing on the Wind’s Wall is a testament to what a community felt and believed in the 2020s about living, and dying, together.
You can order your copy here –